Mole Control
On average a mole requires 200 metres of underground run to obtain sufficient earthworms to live, approx 20 are needed daily, the digging and maintenance of these runs results in large numbers of molehills on the grounds surface.

These Mole Hills:
- Damage and break expensive grass cutting and harvesting machinery
- Soil incorporated into silage greatly reduces palatability and food value.
- Increase the risk of soil bourne diseases in cattle [i.e listeria]
- Can increase weed growth, particularly of air bourne seed.
- Damage amenity areas such as golf courses, bowling greens, tennis courts, equestrian area’s, etc

Mole Catcher– Moles can cause a mess of your lawn and garden area, leaving it unsightly and killing off grass above there tunnel network. Early removal stops the problem before it gets out of hand.
Moles migrate from adjacent area’s also with mole problems and can reuse the tunnels, if other area’s are not controlled it can become an ongoing issue on a yearly basis when they reoccupy tunnels on your property.
With the start of Autumn and through till Spring there is an increase in mole activity as individual moles develop their underground tunnel systems. Unfortunately the mole-hills can damage grass cutting equipment particularly if the soil contains stones, and they are a good medium for weed seeds to germinate and grow. The soil can contaminate sileage. Beautiful lawns and parkland can soon be ruined.

More Mole Facts
Latin name:- Talpa europaea
Length:- up to 15cm
Weight:- up to 150 grams
Habitat:-Grassland, deciduous woodland.
Food:- Mainly earthworms.
Lifespan:- 3 years
Breeding:- During Feb/March the male seeks a female. After mating it returns to solitary life in its own tunnel system. The female mole gives birth to up to 7 young (usually 3 or 4) in summer.
Interesting facts:- Moles can move 3 Kilo’s of soil every 10 minutes.
Moles are typically active for 4 hours then sleep for 4 hours.
The dark grey velvety fur is waterproof and unlike other mammals is not uni-directional
which allows the moles to go forwards or backwards without getting clogged up with soil. A mole can excavate 20M of tunnels a day. Chambers lined with dry grass are used for resting and nesting.
The above problems caused by mole damage show clearly the need for efficient & professional mole control.

If you have a public or sports facility, good ground maintenance is required to prevent a mole problem from escalating, leaving your site an eyesore, difficult to maintain and with the hazard of personal injury from trips on sport and public locations.
If you are involved in equine activities you have the risk of injury to horses and riders also reduced grazing area, as well as the unsightly destruction from the moles workings.
If you are a farmer you have the potential risk to livestock from mounds and reduced yield from damage within crop fields and fields recently seeded, contamination to fields used for haylage with potential for listeria and also reduced grazing area for livestock, some fields getting to the point were they look like minefields with very little area’s suitable for grazing or hay.
If you have a mole problem within the Durham, Cleveland and North Yorkshire counties and you want it resolving professionally, please get in touch via the website.